星期三, 8月 16, 2006

Blogger in beta 終於改版!快來搶鮮

是的!我剛才在另一台電腦試圖登入Blogger時,突然發現登入欄位有些許變動。”Sign in with your Blogger or Google Account” 於是我好奇的以 Google Account 登入,登入後隨即被導引至beta.blogger.com,第一個畫面是詢問是否登記個人資料並creat a blog,或者”Already a Blogger user? Switch now“。也就是說如果你已經有Blogger帳號,你可以透過該網頁進行轉換合併,並加入beta的行列。可惜筆者運氣差了點,點入後它才告訴我,很遺憾地目前只開放少數名額進行轉換,請下次再來。XD 有時候該網頁會出現 404錯誤,或許官方還正在調整中。

既然暫時無法switch,那我們也可以先用Google Account登入Blogger in beta後,來新增一個blog,搶先試用beta新功能。來先瞧瞧官方的說法:

Today we’re launching a new version of Blogger in beta! You’ve been asking for ways to do more with your blog, and you can with this new release. With the beta you can:

Take a look at the tour to see all the new things you can do (well, a lot of the new things … they didn’t all fit in the tour).

As we release this version, we’re limiting the number of people who can switch over. (You’ll see a link on your Blogger dashboard when you are able to move.) Eventually, of course, everyone will be able to transition their blogs to the new version. Thanks in advance for your patience as we roll it out.

If you can’t wait, you can create a new account on the beta now and make a new blog to test out the new features. Because the new Blogger uses Google Accounts, you can use your existing Google login, or create a new one. (Later, you’ll be able to merge your current and beta accounts, and have all your blogs in one place.)

We’ll be posting more about the new version in the coming days, but for now, we really want to know what you think. You can post on the Blogger Help Group or via or feedback form. — Goldtoe [08/14/2006 02:08 PM]

是的,除了增加常見的文章 tag(labels) 外,還做了閱讀權限的功能,讓你能將blog設定成只給特定人士閱讀。除此以外還改變了樣板(templates)設定的網頁,多了更多平易近人的導覽及精靈,讓設計不再只是HTML專家的專利(?)。

更多的新功能介紹,請你自行閱讀這篇官方的文章吧:What’s new in Blogger? Take the tour。更快的辦法是立刻移駕 Blogger.com 並用你的 Google Account 登入吧!