星期一, 7月 31, 2006

Google Talk 加入使用者期待的新功能

根據官方部落格(Google Talk)透漏:

We’ve been working hard to add your top-requested features to Google Talk, such as fast and reliable file transfer, and the ability to send and receive voicemail messages for free. We’ve even created a fun little feature for you music lovers.

So today, we’re excited to be releasing these features to a small percentage of Google Talk users. We’ll be rolling these features out to all Google Talk users on the U.S.-English interface in the coming weeks. (…詳見原文)


經過我的測試後發現,檔案傳輸功能目前還無法與標準 Jabber 客 戶端進行傳檔(使用 Mac Adium 測試)。但在Windows版本中測試的結果令我驚訝,當傳輸圖片檔時會以 photo sharing 的方式先展示縮圖再傳送呢。而媒體播放狀態甚至也可以在 iTunes 上起作用。Voicemail 語音信箱則是將錄音製成 mp3 格式音訊,並以夾帶檔案方式(但在正常收件下,你可以看到flash快速試聽介面)寄至對方的 Gmail 中。讓筆者覺得好玩的是 voicemail 的前提示音非常與眾不同,請各位一定要試試看,相信你聽過以後也會會心一笑!